There's a big shift afoot.

It’s a shift in how we live, work, and find belonging.

I'm excited by it. And a bit anxious as well.

This series of posts is my attempt to get my head around it. If I've done my job here, by the end you'll both be examining how you live your own life and also thinking about opportunities to help others do the same.

Let's call the destination we are heading to the "New Life Bundle." And, to make sense of it, we'll first have to talk about where we came from before: The "Old Life Bundle."

It will all make sense by the end (maybe?)

It will all make sense by the end (maybe?)

The Old Life Bundle

The Old Life Bundle started with the job.

This usually went one of two ways:

  1. Job → City: You got a job and it was in a particular city, so you moved there. (“I’m moving to San Francisco for this job at Twitter”)
  2. City → Job: You chose a city because of the jobs there (“I moved to San Francisco because I work in tech”)

Either way, for many, the choice of where to live is all about the job (or the job of your spouse, etc). And Job + City becomes the primordial choice in your life bundle. All else flows from there.

Of course, it’s “Job + City” because the job was attached to a specific place. You were required to live where your employer (actual or prospective) was. For most people, this place was a city because that’s where employers are.

Your next choice was home: Where, specifically, in that city to live.